Full UK Coverage
Background checks & Criminal offence searches
Background and criminal offence searches can also be completed by our data analysis team who have the expertise to locate background and criminal offence(s). These are DPA compliant court and and publication searches. WE CAN NOT OFFER CERTIFIED CRIMINAL RECORD CHECKS (CRO).
Detective Agency offer discreet in-depth analysis of any UK individual. This can uncover documentations relating to a persons criminal offences. Searches of criminal history are lengthily and in depth. Our in house data analysts and people location experts can uncover an astonishing amount of information. We also guarantee all our data is accessed lawfully and compliantly.
If you want to know someones criminal past, or what offences someone may be hiding Detective Agency Private investigators, data analysis and procurement experts have the means, technology and know-how to complete a thorough search.
Our criminal background searches can also be expanded to encompass a full intelligence report on an individual. These searches not only encompass the above criminal searches but also cover appointment searches Court Judgement searches, searches of shareholdings, property links and ownership confirmations, associates and occupants of addresses, businesses and associate firms, we could go on.
Full background searches are popular with clientele wanting the full rundown of an individuals current standing, be it for possible court action, employment consideration, they me be closely connected to a loved one, or the simple NEED TO KNOW. Detective Agency Private investigators can assist.
Costs for A SEARCH of criminal offences are £450.00 and are usually completed and reported within 7 -10 days.
Costs for a full intelligence report are £850.00 and are usually completed and reported with 7-14 days.
Criminal searches that are undertaken by DETECTIVE AGENCY and its staff are, by no means whatsoever, a certified copy of offences.
We do our best to locate all offences committed by an individual, however we can not guarantee any or all offences will be located.
We accumulate our data from a multitude of local and official sources and will not guarantee 100% accuracy. All our searches are lawful and comply with data protection act guidelines.